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Comment Letters

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Responses to Joint Bank of England and FCA Consultation on a Digital Securities Sandbox

   AFME /sites/default/files/20240523_UK%20DSS%20Consultation%20Response%20draft_vF_clean.pdf

   ICMA /sites/default/files/ICMA-response-to-BoE-FCA-joint-consultation-on-proposals-to-implement-and-operate-the-Digital-Securities-Sandbox-290524.pdf

ICMA, GFMA, IIF, and ISDA Co-Sign Response to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s Public Consultation on Banks' Disclosure of Cryptoasset Exposures



AFME responds to  (UK)  DP5/22 – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AMAFI responds to ESMA’s “Guidelines on funds’ names using ESG or sustainability related terms” and Unidroit’s “Digital Assets”.

FSB Publishes Public Responses to Consultation on Achieving Greater Convergence in Cyber Incident Reporting (includes GFMA response)



Joint Association Comments in Response to the Second Consultation on the Prudential Treatment of Cryptoasset Exposures (October 2022) /sites/default/files/executive-summary-joint-trades-comment-letter-second-consultation-on-prudential-treatment-of-cryptoasset-exposures.pdf



ICSA and GFMA Respond to IOSCO Consultation Report “Market Data in Secondary Equity Markets” /sites/default/files/ICSA%20and%20GFMA%20Response%20to%20IOSCO%20consultation%20Market%20Data%20in%20the%20Secondary%20Markets%20-%2025%2002%2021_2.pdf



ICSA members respond to the European Commission Consultation on a Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy 

  AFME /sites/default/files/200715_Consultation%20Response%20renewed%20sustainable%20finance%20strategy_Final%20response%20and%20Key%20messages.pdf

 ICMA /sites/default/files/ICMA-Responses-to-the-Renewed-Sustainable-Finance-Strategy-Consultation15-July-2020FINAL-160720.pdf


ICSA members respond to the European Commission’s Consultation on the Review of the MiFID II Framework



ICMA call for feedback on TEG report on EU Taxonomy /sites/default/files/ICMA-GBP-response-to-EC-consultation-on-TEG-report-on-EU-Taxonomy-160919.pdf

GFMA response to the FSB’s consultation on evaluation of too-big-to-fail reforms for banks /sites/default/files/GFMA-TBTF-response-21June2019_0.pdf

ICMA AMIC responds to IOSCO consultation on leverage in investment funds /sites/default/files/AMIC-response-to-IOSCO-leverage-consultation-010219.pdf



Comment letter on draft FATF Risk-Based Approach Guidance for the Securities Sector /sites/default/files/AFME%20letter%20response%20to%20the%20FATF%20consultation.pdf



ICSA response to the IOSCO Consultation Report “Regulatory Reporting and Public Transparency in the Secondary Corporate Bond Markets” /sites/default/files/ICSA%20%20-%20Reporting%20and%20Transparency%20in%20Secondary%20Corporate%20Bond%20Markets%20-%20October%202017.pdf

ICSA Response to FSB consultation on framework for impact assessment of G20 reforms

   JSDA /sites/default/files/JSDA%20Comments%20to%20Proposed%20Framework%20for%20Post-Implementation%20Evaluation%20o....pdf

   ICMA /sites/default/files/ICMA%20FSB%20Framework%20response%20May%202017_final.pdf

   GFMA /sites/default/files/GFMA_ISDA_JFMC_post_crisis_evaluation_framework_CP%20%20response_11%20May.pdf



ICSA Response to the FSB Questionaire for Industry Associations: Stocktake of Efforts to Strengthen Goverance Frameworks to Mitigate Misconduct Risk /sites/default/files/ICSA%20Response%20-%20FSB%20Questionnaire%20on%20Governance%20and%20Misconduct%20%20Risk%20-%203%20November%202016_0.pdf

ICSA Response to IOSCO Liquidity Consultation /sites/default/files/ICSA%20-%20Public%20Comment%20-%20Examination%20of%20Liquidity%20of%20the%20Secondary%20Corporate%20Bond%20Markets%20-%2029%20Sep%202016_0.docx

ICSA Response Call for evidence: EU regulatory framework for financial services /sites/default/files/ICSA%20-%20EU%20Call%20for%20Evidence%20-%2025%20Jan%2016.pdf



Bond Market Liquidity: Key Issues and Member Association Publications (November 2015)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter from the ICSA CEO Tackling Systemic Risks: Are they extinguished? Or do they lurk in the shadows?
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter from the ICSA CEO Global Credit Markets at a Crossroads: Implications for Canada
(view this document in pdf format)

ICSA Letter to Susan Bergstraesser regarding Corporate Bond Market Liquidity (July 2015)
(view this document in pdf format)



ICSA Chairman's Letter - Building Bond Market Liquidity in Europe: A Key Step to Stimulating Growth and Reversing Disinflation (June 2014)
(view this document in pdf format)



Letter to IOSCO regarding Task Force on Cross-Border Regulation (September 6, 2013)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to the OECD regarding Best Practice Principles for the Governance of Regulators (August 30, 2013)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter on proposed FTT to the European Commission (April 16, 2013)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO Board on promoting mutual recognition among securities regulators (April 2, 2013)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO on regulatory consultation (March 1, 2013)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to the FSB on regulatory consultation (February 28, 2013)
(view this document in pdf format)



Letter to European Commission for Promoting a Global Mutual Recognition Framework (October 19, 2012)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO on the Development of Global Principles for Mutual Recognition (September 6, 2012)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comment Letter to CFTC on the Proposed Interpretive Guidance on the Cross-Border Application of Certain Swaps Provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act (August 27, 2012)
(view this document in pdf format)

Second Letter to FSB on Reasserting the Importance of Multilateral Global Coordination (August 8, 2012)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to FSB on the Importance of Multilateral Global Coordination (May 23, 2012)
(view this document in pdf format)

Public Comment on Suitability Requirements with Respect to the Distribution of Complex Financial Products (May 21, 2012)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letters to the Mexican Presidency of the G20 regarding the need to widen the dialogue between the G20 and the financial services industry (March 2012)
(view this document in pdf format)

Proposal to Widening the Dialogue between the G20 and the Financial Services Industry (March 23, 2012)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments on Proposed Restrictions on Proprietary Trading and Certain Interests in, and Relationships with, Hedge Funds and Private Equity Issued by U.S. Agencies (Volcker Rule) (February 13, 2012)
(view this document in pdf format)



Comments on the Proposed Revisions to the FATF 40+9 Recommendations (December 14, 2011)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to the FSB regarding a proposed global financial transactions tax (November 2011)
(view this document in pdf format)

Response to September FSB LEI Workshop (November 22, 2011)
(view this document in pdf format)

Response to Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) (November 22, 2011)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to European Commission on Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) (October 27, 2011)
(view this document in pdf format)

Trade Association Letter on Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) (September 12, 2011)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments on the Proposed Revisions to the FATF 40+9 Recommendations (September 16, 2011)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to Sub-Committee on EU Sovereign Debt Markets (September 7, 2011)
(view this document in pdf format)

Public Comment on IOSCO Consultation Report, "Regulatory Issues Raised by the Impact of
technological Changes on Market Integrity and Efficiency" (August 12, 2011)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to French Treasury regarding the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (July 2011)
(view this document in pdf format)

Response to Implications of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) (June 28, 2011)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments on the Proposed Revisions to the FATF 40+9 Recommendations (January 7, 2011)
(view this document in pdf format)



Letter to FATF regarding FATF Recommendations on Beneficial Ownership (October 2010)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to BCBS regarding Report on Countercyclical Capital Buffers (September 2010)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to BCBS regarding request for further consultation (July 2010)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments on Basel Committee's Consultation Package Issued December 2009 (April 16, 2010)
(view this document in pdf format)

ICSA Congratulates the Republic of Korea on their Role as Chairman of the G20 (February 17, 2010)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments Regarding IMF Study on Financial Sector Taxation (February 1, 2010)
(view this document in pdf format)



Letter to Financial Stability Board Regarding Enhanced Industry Consultation (December 16, 2009)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Regarding Enhanced Industry Consultation (December 2, 2009)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to FATF regarding proposed policy options for combating proliferation financing (November 2009)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to FATF regarding Joint Work on Recommendation 9 (November 2009)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments Regarding IOSCO's Consultation Report on Transparency of Structured Finance Products (November 13, 2009)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO regarding agenda for upcoming stakeholders' meeting (October 2009)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments on IOSCO's Impact on and Response of Emerging Markets to the Financial Crisis Report (July 21, 2009)
(view this document in pdf format)

Industry Consultation with the Financial Stability Board (June 19, 2009)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments on IOSCO's Unregulated Financial Markets and Products Report (June 15, 2009)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments on IOSCO's Short Selling Consultation Report (May 4, 2009)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments on IOSCO's Hedge Fund Oversight Consultation Report (April 30, 2009)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to G20 (March 3, 2009)
(view this document in pdf format)



Joint Letter to the Financial Stability Board (FSB) regarding Securities Issues and the new Global Financial Architecture (December 2008)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments on IOSCO's Issues Paper on Point of Sale Disclosure to Retail Investors (September 25, 2008)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments to the SEC on Proposed Amendments to Rule 15a-6 (September 8, 2008)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments on Proposed EU Directive on the Authorization, Operation and Supervision of Credit Rating Agencies (September 5, 2008)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comments on IOSCO's Consultation Report on the Role of Credit Rating Agencies in Structured Finance Markets (April 25, 2008)
(view this document in pdf format)



Comment Letter on the Hedge Fund Working Group's Consultation Document (December 14, 2007)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comment Letter on the U.S. Treasury's Review of the U.S. Regulatory Structure for Financial Institutions (November 21, 2007)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO regarding proposed agenda for meeting with stakeholders (August 2007)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO regarding Report on Overview of the Work of IOSCO's Technical Committee (June 2007)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comment Letter on IOSCO's "An Overview of the Work of IOSCO's Technical Committee" (June 8, 2007)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comment Letter on IOSCO's "Market Intermediary Management of Conflicts of Interest that Arise in Securities Offerings" (May 25, 2007)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO proposing measures to enhance consultation with stakeholders (April 2007)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to FATF regarding proposed principles for risk-based approach to AML/CFT (April 2007)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO regarding Enhanced Consultation between ICSA and IOSCO (March 2007)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comment on IOSCO's Consultation Report on Soft Commission Arrangements1 (March 15, 2007)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to Committee on Capital Market Regulation regarding better regulation (January 2007)
(view this document in pdf format)



Letter to IOSCO proposing enhanced consultation with ICSA (November 9, 2006)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comment Letter to the Autorite des Marches Financiers (AMF) Regarding its Proposed Better Regulation Initiative (September 28, 2006)
(view this document in pdf format)

Comment Letter to IOSCO Regarding its "Regulatory Issues Arising From Exchange Evolution" (June 2, 2006)
(view this document in pdf format)

Second Comment Letter to IOSCO Regarding its "Regulatory Issues Arising From Exchange Evolution" (June 2, 2006)
(view this document in pdf format)



Letter to IOSCO regarding consultation with ICSA (June 2005)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to FATF Regarding Consultation with Global Securities Industry on AML Measures (May 17, 2005)
(view this document in pdf format)

IOSCO's Draft "Consultation Policy and Procedures" (January 7, 2005)
(view this document in pdf format)



Letter to IOSCO regarding IOSCO's participation in the International Forum for Investor Education (December 2004)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO regarding ICSAs Statement on Regulatory and Self-Regulatory Consultation Practices (October 2004)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO regarding ICSA's work on Investor Education (September 2004)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO’s EMC regarding ICSAs Business Continuity Planning Guidelines for Securities Firms (June 2004)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO regarding ICSAs Business Continuity Planning Guidelines for Securities Firms (June 2004)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO regarding ICSA's Principles and Best Practices for Investor Education (March 26, 2004)
(view this document in pdf format)



Letter to U.S. President Clinton on Year 2000 Readiness (June 1999)
(view this document in pdf format)

Letter to IOSCO Regarding Securities Activities on the Internet (May 1999)
(view this document in pdf format)